*This weekly newsletter will share about the Bible Breakdown podcast, things about RLC, and my favorite things from around the web. My prayer is it will help you know God better.
Hello friends. Happy Friday. It's been another amazing week reading God's Word together. Thank you for taking the journey. We've moved past 1,800 downloads, and it's all because you are helping us spread the news. Thank you for spreading the Word!!!
🎧 My Favorite Bible Breakdown Episode>>>
My favorite episode this week: Deuteronomy 1.
What Should You Care? Cause it's awesome!
Why should we care about reading the book of Deuteronomy? Because it’s incredible! I sincerely enjoyed researching and learning about this book. I also love the mental image of old Moses being more excited than the young people. Deuteronomy is a Greek word that means “Second Law.” Moses is telling the next generation all about God’s covenant so they can be prepared to take the Promised Land and keep it. If I were to sum up Moses’ sermons, it would be “Trust and Obey. It’s the only way.”
I am looking forward to taking the adventure together. There is so much treasure in the book of Deuteronomy. Moses preaches up a storm, and we get a front-row seat to hear the final sermons of one of the most outstanding leaders ever to do it.
Let's read it together. >>> Listen to it here.

The more we dig, the more we find.
To get acquainted with the "Second Law," read a quick Introduction to The Book of Deuteronomy.
Our Facebook Community Is Growing
Thank you for sharing our new Facebook group. People are starting to join, and we now have almost 100 people! Thank you for sharing God's Word with me. The goal is to give us a place to share ideas and insights, ask questions, and more. Click here to join the discussion.

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Become a part of the Real Women Ministry Hub.
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💪 This Week From My Blog>>>
Three Types of Truth. I have heard many people grappling with truth and truth claims. The first thing we must do is come up with a consistent definition of truth. Let's talk about it.
🖤 My Favorite Links This Week
🤔 Culture. How to Vote Like A Christian. The closer we get to the next election cycle, the more I dread it. The last presidential election was very divisive for our nation… even more so within the Body of Christ. Before the chaos begins, here are some thoughts to start healthy conversations.
😂 Hilarious! Comedian talking about "Wrestling With My Perfect Older Brother." Very good!
🤔 Live for the Eternal. Video title: Eventually, Everyone Dies and will be forgotten. (Rude!) The Video talks about how we don't get to choose how we are remembered. 99% of live people will not be remembered outside their immediate family. Therefore, live for what is eternal and live to make a difference in those closest to you.
🤔 How to Produce a Soul at Rest. I'll admit to not being good at this... but I want to improve. This article is a good resource for the journey of having a healthy soul.
🙋♂️ Social Media. Someone once asked, "Have you ever wondered why social media is free?" Perhaps it is because WE are the product. This video is disturbing and illuminating.
🕺 Men Only. Confession. I'm a massive ROCKY fan!... except for Rocky 5. We don't talk about that one. Anyway, I loved this video. It talks about learning healthy masculinity from the Rocky Movies. You're welcome!
💀 To lead Better, Eliminate Distractions. CUT THE SLACK! This is a game-changer for anyone in a leadership position who wants to get the most out of their limited time.
📚Book of the Week. Imagine Heaven. It would be wrong to view this book as theology. Rather, it is a book of experiences and encounters by people who have experienced a taste of Heaven. It is worth reading, especially if you have lost a loved one.
🎧 Song of the Week. Touch of Heaven. (David Funk) This video is from a worship night that must have been amazing to have attended in person. Definitely worth adding to your morning devotional time.
✍️ Quote of the Week
“If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
🤪 Dad Joke of the week
Two guys walked into a bar. The third guy ducked.
😂 Funniest meme of the week