*This weekly newsletter will share about the Bible Breakdown podcast, things about RLC, and my favorite things from around the web. My prayer is it will help you know God better.
Hello friends. Happy Saturday!
🎧 My Favorite BibleBreakdown Episode This Week>>>
📚 Scripture. 💪
(Jeremiah 5:31) the prophets give false prophecies, and the priests rule with an iron hand. Worse yet, my people like it that way! But what will you do when the end comes?
Observation: During the time of Jeremiah, the prophets had gained a following by telling everyone what they wanted to hear and ignoring the warnings of God. The average Israelite did not know the Torah or the prophets and priests. Therefore, they had to trust they were telling the truth. Even when they realize it couldn’t be true, it is easy to ignore things and say, “I’m sure they know what they are talking about.” This is something we still have to be careful of doing today. We live in a world of social media influencers and great talkers. So many voices are trying to get our attention and tell us what we want to hear. We must be sure the loudest voice in our head is God’s Word. When we hear the truth of God’s Word, it helps parse out the other voices.
Application: Make God’s Word a daily part of your day.
Prayer: Thank You, God, for telling us the truth so we know which way to go.

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✍️ My Blog.
Can God’s Sovereignty and Human Freewill CoExist?
🤔 Question of the Week.
🖤 My Favorite Links This Week.
📣 Sermon. Mapping the Mind
🤔 Apologetics. The Weight of Glory
🔥 Hot Topic. The Coddling of the American Church
🧠 Mental Health. How to Be Emotionally Less Reactive
📚 Book. The Federal Husband
🕺 Biblical Manhood. Wisdom from the Bullfrog (Lessons from SEAL Admiral- Bill McRaven)
🎧 Song of the Week. Prodigal Son (LoFi)
✍️ Quote of the Week That Makes You Think
Self-interest dies in the presence of real love. -Amy Orr-Ewing
🤪 Dad Joke of the week
A man gets on an airplane and sees a nun praying fervently beside him
“Are you afraid of flying?” he asks.
“Flying, no. Crashing, yes.”
😂 Funniest meme of the week